Reunited with the boy who inspired me to write The Wolf and the Favour
after a very long time!
It’s been a very long time since I last had contact with the little boy, now a man, mentioned in the Acknowledgements of my latest novel, The Wolf and the Favour.
Despite having attempted to track Daniel’s family down via social media, I’d almost given up, when this week, out of the blue, his mother made contact on Facebook.
She was delighted to discover the novel is dedicated to Daniel, and we were both close to tears. The following day we made a video call, and the years melted away. To see Daniel again and discover how he’s been doing, and how much he’s achieved, meant the world to me.
Some people we meet are passing strangers; other we remember forever, and he was one of them, as was his mum. As soon as I receive my author copies, I’ll be sending one his way.
In other news, it’s been lovely this week to see some fabulous reviews coming in for the book. Readers are falling in love with Hannah (M.C.), none less so than Dr Anne Sengstock from Immersed in Books. If you have a minute to spare, you can read what she has to say here:
Other than that, I’m going to hold up my hand and admit that having three books published this year has left me a bit burned out, so I haven’t done much writing these past few weeks, though I have started a new novel and love the premise of it, so it’s not all bad.
I took a break from the PC and spent some time in my sewing room, making blinds. It’s so relaxing! My sewing room is actually a summerhouse in the garden, so I don’t sew as much in winter. I thought you might like to see a few pics, though I must stress, it doesn’t look this neat after a day’s sewing:

That’s all for now from Wales.
Have a good week, and thanks for reading!
Catherine McCarthy
That’s so lovely! I bet you felt so emotional when you saw him again all these years later! Funny how life can bring things back round again. It’s almost like you wrote the book to conjure up the moment! Magic! 🪄
This is such a lovely story! 🥰